With this slogan, Kränzle managed to successfully establish itself on the market. Not being the cheapest but the best. This is our commitment and it applies to all products and solutions. Therefore, Kränzle is the number one choice for hundreds of thousands of users worldwide who attach great importance to high quality.
Our own R & D department is constantly working on product innovations to provide convincing solutions to the worldwide requirements of the cleaning industry. Irrespective of whether it is a matter of motor cars, transport or commercial vehicles, farming or animal farming, industry and trade, public and municipal services or house and yard, Kränzle products are user friendly, reliable and durable.
Our team of experienced and motivated specialists focuses on the further development of our product range in the competence fields of high-pressure cleaners, industrial vacuum cleaners, and power sweepers. We are ready to help you from our facilities in Illertissen with regard to development, production and logistics and our sales location in Bielefeld.